Safety First
The industrial siding and roofing industry requires a firm commitment to safety. We here at Nichols Industrial Construction Co., Inc. (NICCO) are committed to each job being performed in a safe, orderly and productive manner.
The industrial roofing and siding environment we work in requires a concentrated effort to always keep safety the first and foremost component of any job. We do this through extensive training and documentation including but not limited to some of the following:
All employees receive 10 hr. OSHA and fall protection training upon hiring
All supervisors have 30 hr. OSHA training
All lead-men, foremans, and superintendents receive competent person training in various areas (fall protection, scaffolding, etc.)
All employees receive thorough equipment specific training
We routinely perform site visits to ensure our employees are maintaining safe practices
We maintain extensive documentation with several 3rd party safety qualification sites including ISnetworld and BROWZE